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City of Steam (Blackburn Chronicles) Page 5

  “I didn’t see any other survivors.” Mac said. “The hunter said his name was Devin, but I’m unsure if that was his real name since he didn’t talk much. He was about as friendly with me as you've been.”

  Kris poured the thick mixture in a small glass vial and handed it to Ed who slowly poured it down the boy’s throat. The boy shook slightly showing the first signs of life since coming here. Kris then walked over and handed Mac a vial of her own.

  “Make sure she drinks that, Ed.” Kris said as she started grinding more herbs with her mortar and pestle. “If she refuses, do to her what you did to Tommy outside.” Kris smiled slightly.

  “What is it?” Mac asked.

  “It’s a mixture of Eddie essence, Taric root, and…” Kris said before cutting her sentence off “as smart as you are you wouldn’t understand anyway, so I am not going to waste any more breath on the topic, just drink it.”

  Mac rolled her eyes before lifting the glass to her nose and breathing in a deep breath of rotten trash. She held the cup away from her nose turning her head away and trying not to gag.

  “Stop being a baby and drink it.” Kris said. “Ed, give her a hand.” Ed turned from the boy again and stood looming over Mac staring with an apologetic look on his face.

  “All right, big guy, no need to get saucy.” Mac said. She lifted the glass to her mouth, held her breath, and tipped the glass back. The taste of rotten eggs and sour milk spoiled her pallet and she started to gag a second time.

  “If you spit it up I will have Ed force feed you vomit, so I recommend you keep it down.” Kris said from across the room. Mac looked from Kris to Ed, then the thought of Tommy’s bloody face, and took a long gulp swallowing all the liquid at once. Her stomach turned over twice and she felt the liquid start back up her throat. Ed quickly grabbed a skin of wine next to Mac and held it out. Mac grabbed it taking several long swigs before lowering it and wiping the tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “I suppose I could have made it taste like peppermint like the boys.” Kris said with an evil little grin scrawled across her face. Mac started to retort, but her stomach churned again and she swallowed some more wine.

  “Why did you make me drink that putrid toxic waste?” Mac finally got out, her face a shade of white it had never been before.

  Kris sighed. “If you haven’t noticed, it isn’t very clean down here. The underbelly is filled with death, toxic air, waste, and disease. The filth takes the lives of newcomers every day. That ‘putrid toxic waste’ as you so nicely called it will help withstand the nastiness that will kill you without thinking twice about it.”

  Mac had been in such a rush she had not had time to have a good look at where, or even when she was. She looked around the back room noticing old bound books and jars which were flawed, obviously not made in some factory somewhere. The tables and shelves were hand made from low quality woods, some rotting away in places. Mac was sure it was likely Ed’s work in making the shop look as well kept as it was.

  Back home she had read many of the books in her shop, some extremely old and rare. A few of the books were more than a hundred years old and written for people who were not of rich upbringing. They were simply written and poorly put together with hand drawn pictures. Mac always imagined they were for those who could read, but not able to raise themselves above the rank of poverty. Looking at the way people lived down here Mac was unsure if anyone other than Kris and maybe a couple other store owners could read.

  “How do you get these supplies?” Mac asked.

  “I sell that ‘putrid toxic waste’ for a very high price to any new comers. It allows me to trade for some things in the city. Most of the other items I gather with Ed in the forest.” Kris seemed significantly calmer than she had been minutes before. Ed stood by the boy holding the boys unburned hand in his own.

  “Do they know each other?” Mac asked.

  “We have come to know many of the people outside these walls. It is concerning to hear his camp was hit by assassins. The people there were kind at heart and we traded with them from time to time. Ed has known young William since we helped bring him into the world. None of them deserved the fate they were given.” Kris pressed her fists against the wood counter with her head dropped, tears fell where she stood. Mac decided it was best not to bother them with any more questions and let them mourn the loss of their friends.

  Mac decided to turn her attention instead to the books lining the wide array of shelving units along the walls. Most of the leather-bound books were of old text, but some of the smaller soft cover books were newer and bound like a cheap bookstore novel. The titles differed a great deal also. Mac chose a particularly heavy old looking book and the title read 'Healing spells and why to use herbs instead' while the book next to it was titled 'The Nurse's Big Book of Drugs 1992 edition.' She placed both books back and looked at the shelves, stopping every time she came across a book she would find at her local discount book store.

  Before she could ask Kris where the books had come from, an unsettling stir came from outside. Mac moved around the wall and looked out into the street where the patrons scattered like cockroaches into the houses and alleyways. Two enormous Controller Guards equipped with large hand cannons walked through the streets. They looked as if they could fit a couple large men in each suit of armor, but Mac could see the small steam stacks off their backs and knew they were not human in any way.

  As they searched the now soulless area Tommy wandered in his zombie state towards the machines with his arms outstretched as always. A man she had not previously seen, wearing leather armor and a gas mask, stepped out from behind one of the guards, grabbed Tommy by his raggedy shirt, and started asking him questions which she couldn't hear.

  A hand gripped Mac's shoulder pulling her back and she let out a small yelp. Kris stared at the group trying to hear what they were saying. Tommy's head looked in the direction of the apothecary and the man threw him back on the ground. Kris turned and ran into the back room before the monstrous sound of a gun firing filled the air. Mac let out another yelp and followed Kris to the back.

  “Time to go." Kris said calmly. "Those are Controller Guards out there and one of their low life assassins. If they are here, then they know you two are here." She pulled a long rope hanging from the ceiling and steel plates fell from the walls covering the books and bottles. With a quick swing of her arm she could pull a large number of bottles off the table and into a backpack which she slung over a shoulder. Reaching under the table she grabbed a second pack and tossed it at Mac who caught it only after it slammed hard into her and almost knocked her over. The entire maneuver took a matter of seconds and Mac could tell she was prepared for this kind of intrusion.

  A dull creaking noise came from the back of the room as Ed pulled back a piece of the wall revealing a dark manmade tunnel. He moved back to the table quicker than someone his size should be able to and scooped William up into his arms a second time. Kris had two bottles she failed to put into her pack and was mixing them together. The contents began to smoke and bubble angrily spilling the contents over the table. She set them next to several other vials filled with what looked like ball bearings. After lighting a candle and laying it on its side Mac heard the front curtain ripped free, pieces used to hold it up tinking off the metal walls. Kris and Ed already moved quickly and silently into the tunnel, startled to see them go, Mac hurried to catch up.

  Several seconds passed before voices were heard coming from the shop.

  "Follow them into the tunnel." A muffled voice started "Catch those dirty Therma scum and kill-” there was a thunderous explosion, then two more, then silence. The concussion of the blast threw Mac forward and she hit the ground, ears ringing, and vision once again blurred from the cloud of debris. Someone gripped her by her shirt and pulled her through the now smoke filled tunnel.

  "Keep going, Ed,” Kris said still calm. "I have her."

  Mac sighed knowing it was Kris on the other end of the hand pulling her
away from her would be killers. They walked quickly for several minutes down the long tunnel before Mac finally got her bearings and could move on her own. After several more minutes the tunnel ended abruptly and Ed peered through a crack between several wood boards. Being satisfied with what was beyond he slammed his back hard against them and making a large door for us to walk through.

  As they escaped the dust filled tunnel the night sky greeted them and moon shined down peacefully. Several of the cities citizens whispered amongst themselves before glimpsing the blackened group ascend the passage. They scurried off quickly likely to avoid whatever criminal acts were taking place or about to take place. The empty alley was dirty and unkept, rotten smelling puddles of water lined the streets and large round holes surrounded by brownish red stains and bullet holes covered the walls. The pure sight of the alley told Mac bad things had taken place here and the sooner they were gone the better.

  "It's unsafe for you in the city,” Kris whispered to Mac. "and I can't stress enough how important it is for you to stay calm and know we will help keep you alive." The look of concern was evident behind her calm exterior. "You need to put your faith in us and know everything will be fine. Drink this, then take several deep breaths to calm yourself before we head deeper into the city." Kris held out a small vile with a thin purple liquid in it. Mac took it and drank it without argument knowing she would receive backlash if she questioned the request. The flavor of honey and mint surprised her. Ringing in Mac's ears lessened and she started to breathe easier trying to ignore the stench from the alley. After several breaths, Mac did feel calmer and her shoulders dropped slightly bringing a bit of hope from Kris' words.

  "Take us to Wiley's Pub, Ed," Kris said. "but use caution. They know we are in the city and I am unsure how much time it will take before they figure out we were not in the shop when it exploded. They shouldn't be able to sense us, but be extra careful." Ed gave her a small nod before looking around the alley and starting to move.

  It didn't make sense to Mac how someone of Ed's size could move as silently as he did, but every step he took was well planned and absolutely no noise came from him. He carried William effortlessly while looking intently for someone who could alert the guards. The streets were eerily quiet and void of life. Kris peered up at the top of the buildings all of which were several stories high, but nothing lurked on the rooftops waiting for them. Then, a flicker of moonlight off metal flashed across Ed's face and he froze in place. There was a guard no more than a dozen feet away searching for escapees. If it saw them, they were as good as dead. For the first time since entering the city William moaned the slightest of moans and the guard sprang to life, red eyes focusing directly on them.


  Normally Mac would be panicking at the situation they were in, but she simply stood calmly watching this killing machine come for her. Ed turned swiftly handing William off to Kris then brought his attention to the machine. Kris took William but was frozen waiting for the bullets to start tearing them apart.

  As the machine-gunned hand lifted, ready to fire, Ed leapt forward with a blur of speed, fist cocked back, then swung with all his might at the machine. The head of the guard collapsed inward before tearing clean off its body. Steam burst out from the destroyed scrap metal and filled the streets for several seconds. Ed stepped back to Kris whose jaw was wide with surprise. It was obvious to Mac; Kris didn't know Ed could do that.

  "Out of tricks." Ed said before turning and continuing toward Wiley's ignoring the muttering coming from Kris.

  "We are definitely going to talk about this later." Kris snapped, shaking her head.

  "Yes, dear." Ed replied continuing silently in the direction of Wiley's. Mac followed calm and content.

  Wiley's Pub had a large sign hanging outside with a jug of what Mac assumed was alcohol. Like Kris' shop, Wiley’s had been better maintained on the outside than the surrounding buildings. Where many of the buildings were run down and unkept, or simply abandoned and burned out, Wiley’s exterior was a solid red brick building trimmed with a light brown wood and lit with large candles placed neatly in cast iron candle holders. Mac looked in awe knowing it would be a sight to see back home and was likely a palace amongst the ruins surrounding it now.

  As the group neared the bar a large brute of a man standing at Wiley's front door watched them approaching and headed into the pub not acknowledging them in any way. Instead of walking towards the front entrance as any of the normal patrons would, they slowed and entered an old burned out building a few doors down.

  "Are we not going into the pub?" Mac asked.

  "Have you learned nothing yet?" Kris replied. "Stop and listen." Mac did as instruct. At first all she heard was music and laughter coming from Wiley's Pub. She stepped to the door cocked her head to the side and listened harder. The distinct sound of Controller Guards could be faintly heard from the direction they had just come.

  "The guards are coming for us." Mac said.

  "She can be taught." Kris replied. "The guards will continue their search until they find us. The most likely place to look will be somewhere with clean rooms and hot food. Obviously, they found the remains of one of their guards" Kris shot Ed a dirty look "Wiley's will likely be their next stop."

  "So we are going to just hang out in here?" Mac asked looking around the room. It could have once been a beautiful home, but now was nothing more than charred walls and fallen support beams. Every time they made a movement the sound of creaking and cracking floor boards echoed off the walls.

  "Most certainly not!” Kris replied before sweeping dirt and debris out of the corner of the room. She reached down, pressed on a small square of the floor which released a metal ring, then pulled the ring up lifting a previously unseen door which lead into the basement.

  "What is with all the secret passages in this place?"

  "I already told you; the city isn't safe. To survive, the outcasts build tunnels throughout the city so they can move freely or escape quickly when danger is near. Some were sloppily built and have caved in while others are being used as homes to thieves or vermin, which is why we had to move around the city streets in the first place. Other passages are free to move around and can take you anywhere you want to go within the city."

  Mac had always wanted a home full of secret passages like the ones that were built for the Underground Railroad, so the thought of a whole city full of passages excited her. A plethora of questions popped into her head and Kris had seen the look of excitement on Mac's face and cut her off before she could start rambling the questions off.

  "We really don't have time for this,” Kris said. "get in the cellar or go find out what the guards want. The choice is yours, but make the decision now because we need to move." Mac slouched in defeat and followed Kris, Ed, and William down the hole.

  The basement was dark except for Kris' ever glowing vial. It illuminated enough so they could see the outline of shelving units and dusty old sacks filled with who knows what kind of rotten food being stored inside. Cobwebs and dirt covered much of the area and every step they took sent the sound of some rodent scurrying off into the darkness. Mac began to shake slightly looking around and imagining one of the many vial creatures that could jump out of the shadows at her. Even a small mouse would have made her scream like a child, so she pressed tightly against Kris who let out a sigh and kept moving.

  After several minutes of doing nothing but wander around the room and stir up the wildlife living around them, Kris finally let out a little yelp, happy to find whatever she had been looking for. On the side of one of the dilapidated shelves there was a small scratch. It looked no different to Mac than any of the other dents, dings, or scratches around the well-worn room, but to Kris and her knowledge of the cities secrets it was a marker. With a tug the shelf slid forward sending a dust cloud through the room and revealed a dirt passage and a set of ill placed stone stairs leading several feet down. Ed led the way and they once again followed a long path.

As they went Mac couldn't help but notice several offshoots from the passage they were on. In a few hundred feet, there were half a dozen other tunnels connected to this one. Some were pitch black while others showed light far in the distance. Mac wasn't sure if it was from other outlaws like her or from the thieves Kris had warned her about. In either case, she kept close with her mouth closed, but continued to shake with the worry of someone snatching her away without any of the others knowing.

  No one tried to steal Mac away and after a few minutes they reached another dusty set of stairs ascending out of the earth and to a wooden wall which had already been cracked open for them. She was relieved when they entered a warm basement, candles flickering bright, and a wooden table filled with steaming bowls of food. Mac had no idea what was in them, but having had very little to eat the past two days, it could be warmed over road kill and she would have devoured it with a smile on her face.

  Ed wandered over to a small straw bed on the floor and gently set William down on it. Mac set her backpack down and followed him, watching as he ran his hand over the boy's head again trying to give some comfort. Ed's face was strained and paler than it had been earlier.

  "I am sure Kris will be able to heal the wounds and he will be running around in no time." Mac said laying her hand on Ed's shoulder, but she was not at all sure if he would survive the damage done. His hand looked slightly better, but the bone still showed and she was almost positive he would lose the hand and quite possibly the entire arm. There was no plant she was aware of that could heal the amount of damage that had been inflicted to the boy. Ed placed his hand over hers and let out a small grunt which she took as agreement. He then put his hand back on the boy’s head and Mac could tell he would prefer to be alone.

  "Another attack I see." Said a tall man descending a short set of stairs in the corner. He had long silvery grey hair that was pulled back neatly in a ponytail and wore a bright blue suit with a red flower, like none Mac had ever seen, through his lapel. He moved with a relaxed confidence as if he hadn't a care in the world. The tone of his voice was that of a wealthy man with a large object placed snuggly up his hind quarters.